Friday, December 24, 2010

A Moment to Enthuse

These are two very special ladies in our lives. Nora, on the left, and her older sister, Addie.

Until you have a grandchild, its pretty difficult to make you understand the relationship that develops. Its beyond pride and joy. Its beyond pleasure and enjoyment. Its way better than chocolate and reading. Way better.

When Nora sees me she smiles so wide you can see all of her pretty teeth (there are 4 of them right now). Addie likes to call me Non (rhymes with phone), and pretty much has the best ideas for what to do when we play. When I was a young mom, I felt I needed to juggle chores with playtime. Not as a grandparent. I get to sit down on their level and be with them for however long they like, and play as long as their mom lets us.


  1. how cool! i'm still so in the throes of teenagers that i don't think much about
    having grandchildren yet. but, the idea
    is beginning to appeal to me!

    thought of you earlier today when i made
    a derby a recipe you gave me about 15 years ago. yummiest ever!

  2. Dear Lori,

    What a wonderful "definition" of grand-parenthood! Heartwarming and serenitymaking. Nora and Addie are little dolls. Just looking at their photo I can feel the firmness of their baby arms and softness of their baby cheeks!

    Have a wonderful 2011, all of you!
    Aunt Jacquie

  3. The idea of being a grandparent appeals to me greatly and I'm only 26
