Friday, February 19, 2010

The Interpreter

Dale earns his living by becoming a bridge of words between the jailed and the jailor. Between the prosecuted and the prosecutor. Imagine the fearful anxiety you would feel if you were unable to know what the law was deciding about your guilt and future punishment. I can sense the relief that a prisoner would feel as soon as Dale walks in with his idiomatic and clearly accurate spanish. And his kind gaze. And his respectful interaction. No racism exists in him (how can my latin husband feel contempt for one of his own?).

Dale also has become a faithful bridge of words between his friends and a glorious Savior. Full of affection and hope, Dale speaks of God with a heart that loves Him.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Nora Beth Marie Davy

She is here! Nora was born February 9 at 5:53am. She is so rosy and plump and long-limbed. Her hair is dark and wavy. When she opens her eyes, they just may be sapphire blue. Just enchanting. Watching Addie study her and marvel at her and steal her pacifier is joyful. As in smile wide happy.

The name Nora means 'light'. Beth is the name of her beloved Great Grandmother, Beth Davy. Marie is the name of her precious Great Grandmother, Joan Marie Taylor. You can't beat that as a heritage.

Being a grandma (or Noni) to more than one child is going to be one cool undertaking.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

some thoughts

God is determined to make His name great in my life. He is allowed to use anything He chooses to do that. Right now He is using cancer.

I am just where His providence has, in its inscrutable but all-wise and righteous decision, placed me. It may be a position painful, irksome, trying, but it is right. Oh, yes! it is right."

The older I get the more this old body falls apart. The more I am battered and buffeted on the outside, the more I realize 'they' can't really touch the deeper inside of my relationship with Christ. We really are spirit beings who are temporarily clothed in flesh and bones, but these temporary 'clothes' aren't who we are.

I want to make much of God. I was afraid that this regression would make Him look bad, or that my life was a bad sell job on what a grace-filled life looks like. Ha! His glory shines best in the dark places.

What I now have before me is the opportunity to grab my Savior's hand and say, 'I believe'. Because with 'every breath I breathe, He is saving me'.